French Onion Dip
Are you looking to reduce sodium and deliver a savory dip to your customers? Our recipe uses several quality ingredients, including natural sour cream flavor, onion powder, and more, to create a French Onion Dip that truly tastes homemade. Our ASCENTRA Flavor Enhancer is a key ingredient in this recipe, working to amplify onion, beef, and buttermilk flavors that you’ve come to expect in a sour cream and onion dip, while reducing overall sodium content.
ASCENTRA® Flavor Enhancer is available in 50-pound net, multiwall kraft paper bags with polyethylene liners and in customized packs.
22.05% | Maltodextrin |
26.88% | Buttermilk Powder |
26.87% | DairiConcepts Sour Cream Powder 36802 |
7.00% | Salt |
8.60% | Onion Powder |
2.70% | Natural Beef Flavor |
0.95% | Natural Sour Cream Flavor |
0.65% | Citric Acid |
4.30% | ASCENTRA® Flavor Enhancer |
- Blend and sift ingredients.
- Mix into sour cream at a ratio of 20% powder to 80% sour cream.
- Produces rich savory notes that enhance umami effects and meat, cheese and vegetable flavors
- Clean label, gluten-free, no preservatives
- Rich in potassium without potassium chloride (no metallic flavor notes)
- Available on maltodextrin or nonfat dry milk carriers
- Kosher, rBST-free and other certifiable versions available